Wednesday 11 December 2013

Leave of absence

It has been longer than I’d like to admit since I’ve last posted anything. But boy, it feels good to be back.
Life certainly has been eventful. There were end-of-block exams, ebw celebrations, random and completely spur-of-the-moment lunch dates, presentations, a road trip, the OSCE and finals. All of which are one hundred percent blog-worthy.
Initially, I chalked it up to the fact that I haven’t had time. Maybe I just haven’t felt like writing. A statement which borders on blasphemy, I know, but that’s how I feel. For a while there, I lost the will to write. Quite frankly, that scared me. Who am I, if not a writer? Albeit an amateur one.
But after several deep breaths and a moment to quiet the chaos in my head, I figured it out. I had no reason to write. There was nothing I needed to deal with, nothing inside me that needed to get out. That sense of urgency was gone. Or perhaps it was still there, but I’d thrown myself into studying. I found myself wanting to write, purely out of habit, but I couldn’t. Because, on top of it all, I had a severe case of writers block.
Then, one night, it came back to me. Out of the blue. I had been up until 2am, studying for finals; of course I was going to have strange dreams. Curious though, was the fact that I woke up crying; it hurt so much. My first thought, as I wiped away the anomalous tears, was “What the hell?!” My second was “I need to tell this story.”
And so The Dotted Line was born… and, along with it, my muse had returned and I felt the need to write again. Purely out of sheer… inspiration. That urgency was back. I’d found something inside myself that needed to get out. It feels good, familiar.
Well, the lunch dates were the of the usual lose-track-of-time variety.
The road trip and presentation go hand in hand. Would you believe it; we were sent on a road trip on our own, by our university- for educational reasons. Who wouldn’t love that? We certainly did. We went out to Ceres for the day, and it was epic. [This is just a quick aside to say thanks to the [P]eeps for amazing day.] A group of fairly random people we lumped together, given a map and a set of keys and sent along their merry little ways. We spent time at the state hospital, the rural clinic in Bella Vista and some time amongst the locals of the township. We even had lunch together, along with two interns from the hospital. And the, all too soon, it was time to head home, get our acts together and deliver a presentation about what we’d learnt.
The OSCEs are practical examinations, where your skills as a medic are tested. It happens every year, right to the end of your studies. The biggest part of it [because having the theoretical knowledge is important, but mean nothing if you can’t execute it] is confidence. If you can just get over having to work on a complete stranger, in an interrogation-like room, with an examiner giving you the stink eye all the way through, you’re good to go. Of course, being a little first year means you have to dig real deep to find some confidence from somewhere, anywhere.
Then, what can I say about the final exams? They were a *insert foul word here*. But here too you have to have faith and confidence that you have prepared well enough. Or you go blank in the exam and fail. Fortunately, I managed to pass, and I am so grateful for that.
I have been on holiday for quite some time now and the one thing I can tell you with absolute certainty, apart from the fact that I enjoy sleeping in and writing, is that I cannot wait for Second Year to begin. What can I say? I’m a city slicker; the rat race is what I live for.

11 December 2013

Thursday 19 September 2013

I can't make this stuff up

Today was something else entirely.
We powered through, I think, six? Lectures in three hours. Because our lecturer was hell-bent on having an extra, super long weekend. If we finished, which she made sure we did, we get tomorrow off. Also, she’s got Monday off, and with Tuesday being a public holiday, well, like I said, extra super long.
Right off the bat, before she could even start, a student asks an alcohol-related question. At first, we thought this typical behavior- he’s prone to do such things. But the he started get really animated- atypical behavior. It was only later that we discovered that he was still drunk from the night before. Stuff suddenly made sense…
Then came the apple incident. Because I really should be atoning for my behaviour, and it would be in the best interest of my health, I cannot tell you exactly what went down. Except to say that, after much goading from Mo Bray [cracks me up every time!], one Miz Panjri [aka Jizz, the Infamous- thanks for that, Mohammed Yusuf Parker] launched his apple core across the lecture hall- twice! Well, the unmentionable thing happened, and, of course, I land up on the floor. I was laughing so hard I cried like a baby! I could hardly stop, and I could barely breathe.
Technology is a fantastic thing. I didn’t want to walk all the way to my friends’ res, so we completed our tutorial over the phone. Whatsapp didn’t work out so well. >.< It was… crazy. My hands were full, I was on the phone and I didn’t have my card out. It was a mission vacating Gergs!
And then, to top the day off, Miz made me use the elevator. I detest the things. It makes my head all screwy. And the guy actually had the audacity to laugh at me. “Sooo… if you get stuck in one… will you die?” The grin on his face shouldn’t have been there. Shows you the kind of friends I have.
I swear, these are not lies. I really cannot make this stuff up- and I'm a writer!

19 September 2013 

High-tailing it

Casually strolling out of Gergs (our unofficially nicknamed computer room), totally unsuspecting, I nearly get bowled over. No, seriously. I'd just pushed through the swinging doors, when I hear this urgent pounding from behind me. Naturally, I take a look. I see no one. And I'm like, what the hell? Not even 2 seconds after the thought passes through my mind, the door flies open, and some guy shoots out, feet pounding. And I mean he's really hauling ass as he tears passed me. Muttering, "'scuse me, sorry."
For some reason, his sense of urgency really got me going too. He'd just descended the first flight of stairs. And I felt myself needing to run too. I didn’t mean to follow him, honestly. We just happened to be head the same way, at the same time.
So there we are, high-tailing it down three flights of stairs. Yeah. Three. And again I'm wondering, what in the actual hell is going on here?
By the time I get to the K floor (took me 6 months to figure out K stood for Kelder- basement), he's gone. As in, just disappeared. But then I see the turnstile gate shaking. Almost as though someone has pushed through it with excessive force.
And that's when I realized it. Some guy in a white coat nearly runs me over, and then disappears through those gates? Medical emergancy.
Staring at that gate, instead of a what-the-hell, I thought, "Run, Speedy, run. Go save someone's life." Smiling, I turn away, "That's going to be me someday. Someday soon."

18 September 2013

Momma dearest

As if it wasn’t bad enough having one Leo [Speedy] and one Virgo [Daddy-oh] in the house, Momma’s birthday is two weeks after Dad’s. Seriously. That means we’ve got a sum total of 2 Virgos living together- TWO!
Classically, Virgos are rather stubborn, head-strong people, and for two of them to be in a relationship together is… shall we say, risky? I mean, you’re bound to butt heads. Often. But somehow they make it work. I’ve always thought that they’re a pretty good example for me to follow; you know, of what relationships should be like. They get along so well. But I digress.
Happy birthday, Momma. You’re seriously awesome. I mean, no one else would have let me cut up a kidney and a liver in their kitchen. =D

10 September 2013

What a day

Phew. I am positively exhausted. Or perhaps I should say negatively? Today we had a not-so-little family get-together. All the peeps from my dad’s side got together and had breakers. Aaand made our own lunch. =) It was… insane, to say the least. And not everybody rocked up anyway.
I don’t even know why I’m so done for; it’s not like I did very much to begin with. But I got chased outta bed super early. And I didn’t sleep very well either. Not that I’m complaining or anything; I’m just saying.
Anyway, this is just a mini photo diary of what went down.
A few of the... older generations

A mini hall, for breakfast and lunch

The breakfast buffet table

Cousinish person, Fuad, looking really intense. I don't think you have a career in modelling, dude... Just saying.

Doing what we do best- chowing

Two sisters and a... niece? I'm not even sure how we're all related...

Little cousinish people hanging out

Geotag much? =)

The guys from STOP: Service To Other People

Cousinish person, Uthmaan, looking saccharine sweet 

FOOD!!! Need I say more? Well, except that we cooked it ourselves

Of course, nobody can leave without a barakat

Uncle-ish person, Ishmaeel. Clean-up was hard work.

I sincerely hope I've embarrassed some of you! =)

1 September 2013

My culinary exploits

Exactly one week after my brother’s birthday, my dad celebrates his. Or rather, perhaps I should say that exactly one week before my dad turned 36, baby bro was born. Either way, 28 August marks Daddy-oh’s birthday. [HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!]
I thought, seeing as I couldn’t do anything for Speedy’s, I’d do something nice for him.  And I was feeling daring.
Those of you who know me will know that I basically suck in the kitchen. Seriously, I can’t cook for jack- not very domesticated at all. Buuut, I don’t do too badly at following a recipe.
So I baked him some cinnamon [because he likes such things] pull- apart bread. Or something. Here are the results:
Before taking a trip to the oven...

The end result, all frosted and laid out to eat. Yummo. =)

You can find the recipe [along with many other sinful delights] at this awesome blog: 
Happy baking! And, perhaps more importantly, happy eating!

29 August 2013

Thursday 12 September 2013

Insanity- Writing vs. Not writing

It has been almost three weeks since I last wrote anything.

My head is always buzzing. I never stop. But it has been that long since I churned out anything useful.

A wise man once told me to never hold it inside, to always let it out. “Don’t keep it in your head,” he’d said, “You write first for yourself, then for others."
                                                                          – Bill Temple

Actually, those words helped me more than I can even tell you. In a way, it encouraged me, allowed me to risk it all to get my stuff out there. I was nervous, anxious, about posting my stuff online. I just didn’t know how well it would be received. I didn’t think I could take negative feedback.

Now, I find myself yearning for critique. I want to know, not only what I’m doing wrong, but also what I’m doing right. How else does one become a better anything?

I’m always writing. Every situation, every experience; I never stop. My head is constantly whirling around; relating, describing, comparing, and even picking out words that would fit best.

But none of that helps if it stays right there, inside. It actually hurts, to the point where I feel like I’m going crazy. I have to get it out. Writing is my release.

People are addicted to many things. I suppose this may be one of mine. And no, I’m absolutely not ashamed about this one.

26 August 2013

Protea Hotel: Fire and Ice

My very first review J
I’m not exactly an expert. At anything- yet. But I do know what tastes good. And honestly, they make the best damned milkshake I’ve tasted yet.

The Protea Hotel: Fire and Ice is situated on New Church Street in the Cape Town CBD, just a five minute walk from my home. The in-house restaurant can be found on the ground floor; the décor a stunning blend of vintage and contemporary.

Even the bathrooms are decked out like nowhere else I’ve seen before. Seriously, you have to check the bathrooms out when you go. It’s like a thing; you have to go on the bathroom ‘tour’. No, I kid you not. [Nope, no pics- you have to see it for yourself.]
The seating areas are cozy; great for hanging out with friends and family, or even for a more casual business meeting. The deck that runs along the outside is great for a summer evening, especially in Cape Town. With the warm breeze gently tugging at you. *sigh…*
At the far end of the room, there is a dedicated smoking area- dubbed the ‘Coughin Room’. Inside, there is a beige-coloured headstone, behind which lies 3 coffin-styled sofas. Again, I kid you not.
But back to the milkshakes though. My absolute favourite would have to be their Ferrero Roche milkshake. Yeah, it’s my fave choccie too. J
Next on the list is the brownie pieces, hot chocolate, banana and peanut butter, Lindt, and last but not least, the chili chocolate. And no, I haven’t tried them all yet, but I fully intend to! And you should definitely try it out too. J

26 August 2013

End of block party

No, no, no. It’s not what you think. Not an actual block party. I dare say my parents would probably kill me. Rather, the word ‘block’ refers to a section of work. And it wasn’t an actual party either.
On Thursday and Friday past, Med I wrote the end-of-block test for pathology. Boy am I glad that’s over with. I think I studied myself half-blind over the days leading up to it. Path was great, so much fun, but studying for it was a real bastard. I tried very hard to study diligently from day one, buuut you know how things go. You get distracted, you just don’t feel like it, you’ve got better things to do… In the end, I crammed for days, I even ended up spotting. [Shameful admission #3]
Looking at my daunting lever arch file of notes, I realized something that is pretty insane. Six months of Life Forms last semester, equates to just six weeks of Pathology! I know, right?!
I’m so glad to finally be able to breathe again, honestly.
This weekend was great. We kicked it off on Friday, with a little picnic-type thing on the rugby field. Saturday, my family and I ran around doing very normal things- I even went on a mini shopping spree! [Oh yeah!J] As for Sunday, lunch at home with the fam, and then we went out for milkshake. But my end of block checklist looks way more hectic:
©      Watch some series [check]
©      Watch a few movies [check]
©      Sleep [check-ish]
©      Do nothing [double check J]
©      Go on a baking craze [uncheck- I’m postponing this to Wednesday]
©      Play guitar [unchecked as yet- boo!L]
©      WRITE [Check, check, check!J]
Ah hell, I suppose that all’s well that ends well. And tomorrow the rat race begins all over again.

25 August 2013


Taken years ago, by yours truly =)
21 August 2013.

Muhammad A’feef Omar, my little brother, turns 16. Oh yeah, that’s a big one.

Okay, fine, I’ll admit that he is bigger than me [he’s adamant, therefore, that I can’t call him my ‘little’ brother], but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m the older sibling. *clears throat and squares shoulders by way of showing off authority*

Anyway, I seem to have veered off on a tangent there. What I’m really driving at here is a major shout-out to my favouritest brother, albeit my only brother. J

Happy birthday, Speedy! I wish you all the best, may all your dreams and wishes come true, and may you be granted may more happy, healthy years with us, InshaAllah. Oh, and congratulations on making the Marching Band! J Stay awesome! I love you lots, like Rascals!

25 August 2013 

Boyce Avenue

I’m not an intense YouTuber, by any stretch of the imagination, but, recently, I’ve made a rather delicious discovery. Wholly and completely by accident, I stumbled upon an amazing band who goes by the name of Boyce Avenue. Curious, I tell you, but who am I to judge?
I rather detest research, so I’m afraid I can’t tell you much about them. Except what I found on Wiki [told you I’m lazy]: Boyce Avenue is an American rock band formed in Sarasota, Florida, by the brothers Alejandro, Daniel and Fabian Manzano. The band is named after a combination of two streets the brothers lived on as children.  Also, [not from Wiki] they have an upcoming Euro Tour.
And I’m not a music expert either. But I do know what I like, and I do know when something sounds good. Thus far, I’ve listened to/ watched a few covers that they’ve done. And I gotta tell ya, they’re bloody good. I quite like their sound, and the lead’s voice is just so… different.

Their cover of Imagine Dragons’ Radioactive is phenomenal:

But my favorite, hands down, is their cover of Three Doors Down’s Here without you:

Go check them out- you won’t be sorry.
Hope you like it… because me likey; me definitely likey. Hehe J

25 August 2013


Some people just bring out the worst in you.
It’s true.
And when you already struggle with your temper, as I do [once again, a shameful admission], it’s really, definitely, one hundred percent a bad idea to be around them.
See them, hear them, be anywhere near them… You’re only doing yourself an injustice. You become the person you dislike, become what you’ve tried so damned hard not to be. And that’s really not fair. To yourself.
Yes, absolutely, self-sacrifice is widely accepted as an honorable act. But there comes a time when all the sacrifice in the world will mean nothing if you can’t even do right by yourself- sometimes you just need to be selfish.
I’ll never forget doing that day in English class, more than 2 years ago, when we were analyzing the poem or another. “So, off the top of your head, what is the poet trying to say?” Mrs. Parker asks. I couldn’t keep the disgust from my voice when I yelled out, “People suck.” I then sat back in my desk and cocked my head to the side, nonverbally daring anyone to oppose me. Silence reigned briefly, before Mrs. Parker stuck her finger out at me and emphatically declared, “Exactly! People suck.” I shrugged. She was only confirmed what I’d already known for years.
Don’t get me wrong; this is by no means a jab at any one person in particular. It’s just that sometimes you come across people who remind you of that fact. And they’re the ones who truly do bring out the worst in you.
In the epic words of Dean Winchester, “Humans, dude. Humans.”

25 August 2013

OhLah =)

Wow. It certainly has been a long time since my last post. It feels like forever ago...
It wasn't totally my fault though. I've been writing [I have to], but I haven't had the time to post anything. And then I took two weeks of to study for my end-of-block test. Then the internet was down for another two weeks. It's just been one thing after the other. But I'm finally back online, and boy am I glad about that one. =) Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the next few blogs.

Stay awesome. Peace y'all. <3

Tuesday 6 August 2013

That awkward moment

That awkward moment. That phrase has been somewhat bastardized in recent months. It doesn’t mean what it once used to. Awkward, uncomfortable, difficult...
That awkward moment when you walk into a room full of people who just received bad news, and you were totally oblivious to it because you had your earphones in.
The reasons don’t matter. The situation doesn’t matter. All that matters in that moment is you and your obliviousness, and how awful you feel about it.
The difference is that the moment I walked in I stopped dead in my tracks. I immediately realized that something was not only amiss, but that something was wrong, that there was a negative undercurrent permeating the room. I looked at each person. Their faces were expressionless, and yet their eyes and body language spoke volumes.
And in the 3 seconds it took me to realize this, I still failed to understand what had happened. Until my beloved brother found a reason to walk by me. He whispered two words as he passed, and everything made sense. I dropped into a chair nearby. The sinking feeling felt could only be elicited by one thing.
The similarity of the situation struck me with almost alarming clarity. That table cloth, covering that table, filled with food... That time of day... The very same drink in my glass... A would-be happy occasion turned somber by the news of what had transpired...
As I swirled my drink around in my glass, I came to the same realization I did before. We live and we die. Life is helluva short. There just isn’t time to be an ‘Assbutt’ [Thank you, Castiel =)] about things, about anything. Because one day you'll blink and find that it's all over.

3 August 2013

Sunday 4 August 2013

The Adrenal Response

Stephen Amell as Declan Connors
My edit =)
Adrenalin; the fight-or-flight hormone.
It can be very useful, or, well, it is very useful during times of emergency or fear. It even kicks in when you’re stressed.
Clinically; your heart rate becomes elevated, your breathing quickens, and your body metabolizes whatever carbohydrates you have. And all that to get enough oxygen and energy to your skeletal muscles. The effects last for about an hour after initial secretion from your adrenal glands.
What I fail to understand though, is why one's body chooses to release adrenalin when in the presence of a particular person or people. Yeah, people may illicit such a response from one. I would know; it happened to me just yesterday.
I have to say a very special thank you to Moham(m)ed Essop/Bray, for literally introducing me to the man of my imagination. =)
I say imagination and not dreams for a very particular reason. Truly, I imagined him, I created him, he's mine. My Declan Connors, the protagonist in my novel, Erased.
Had it not been for Moham(m)ed, I probably never would have worked up the balls to talk to him.
The first time I laid eyes on Ben was quite something else. My heart stopped beating, and then went racing a mile a minute. Yeah, the damn thing just does what it bloody well pleases. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. All coherent thought flew out the window.
You're not supposed to be alive. You shouldn’t be breathing, or have a heart pumping warm blood through your body. You're not supposed to exist. You're not supposed to exist anywhere outside my mind! But Declan Connors walked straight out of my head and into that lecture hall.
So when we were finally introduced, and I finally had the opportunity to tell him, that damned adrenal response kicked in. And because we did nothing but talk [I swear], the adrenalin had to go somewhere, do something. Hence, my hands were shaking something fierce as we spoke. And, as I mentioned before, I felt the effects for over an hour after that.
I told him. I told him about Declan, about how he looks just like him, about how he is just like him. Honestly, his response to that blew my mind. I don’t think I'll ever forget it. With the most adorable, Declan-esque [Thank you, Nuha Lalla, for creating the word. =)] smile, he said "You wrote me into life."

3 August 2013

I want it that way

The Backstreet Boys.
One of my all-time favorite bands. And yes, I freely admit it. [I’m a nineties kid, ‘kay?] J
Confession of obsession aside [I just thought was pretty cute, even though I’m not really obsessed- I swear, I’m not!], The Boys do have a song for nearly every occasion.
I only bring it up because there are quite a few that could be used to perfectly describe my current situation. And I figured well hell; writing about it may be the only way to work through it. Truly, it’s insane. Like, certifiably so.
A couple of blogs ago [Part VII- The Darkness], I wrote about how Uni was supposed to be my clean slate all that, but I never banked on this happening. Often I sit in lectures biting my lip out of sheer… I know not what. Perhaps disbelief? Incredulity? I dare say, adoration? It’s like I have a mental block every time I think on it.
How am I supposed to contend with something like this?
But Backstreet’s Back, all right! J So here, watch this:
I tried to go on like I never knew you. I’m awake when my world is half asleep. Every time you leave I’m inconsolable. That makes you larger than life. And without you all I’m going to be is incomplete. So quit playing games with my heart. Yeah, I should have known from the start; you are my fire, my one desire. Honey, that’s no lie. Now let me show you the shape of my heart.
Couldn’t have made something like that up myself… The words have too much meaning…
What if I told you that that’s the story of my life right now? What if that is how I really feel? What if… such and iffy phrase, don’t you think? [Haha, see what I did there?]
But sometimes the right words elude you. Scratch that, sometimes words elude you all together, be they good or bad. However, in my expert opinion as a medical student, I’d say that allowing any one person to affect you that much can’t be good. And I stand first in line for admonition, believe me. I just don’t see what I can do about it. We can’t stop or prevent the way we react, not easily, anyway. Honestly. I’ve tried. Although, I don’t think I wanted to stop it badly enough… because
You are my fire, my one desire. Believe me when I say, I want it that way.
*Mash-up of: Incomplete, Inconsolable, Quit playing games, I want it that way, Shape of my heart, and I’ll never break your heart.
**P.S. There’s something like a triple pun on the ‘larger than life’ bit. =)
***P.P.S. I’ve always wanted to add a P.P.S. at the end of something I’ve written. =) <3

29 July 2013

Monday 29 July 2013

I'm in the wrong profession

For a long time, people have told me that. A few years now, actually.
“Mubeenah-Tayyibah, that’s not what you’re meant to do. You could do so much more. Medicine is very practical and hands-on; you need something that will challenge your mind. You could be great…”
Blah, blah, blah.
And people keep saying that to me. It goes beyond my admittedly limited scope of understanding. These are people who supposedly care; why would they second guess my judgment?
I’ll tell you why. They see something so much more in me than just a doctor. Though I could not fathom how anyone can be more than that. For, when done for the right reasons, it is a fairly noble profession…
But no. According to the world, I should be a writer. And essay after essay, story after story, blog after blog, I prove them right. Over and over again, I make their case for them. So much so that I was even told to drop out of med school and blog professionally. [Uhm. Nafees Gierdien]
But what they fail to understand is that through all the hard work, late nights and intense studying, this is what I love. This is what I was born to do. Medicine has become my life. And I couldn’t imagine myself doing anything else. Except maybe joining the Air Force. As doctor =P
I find no reason why I should give up one thing I love to pursue another. It makes no sense. Why can’t I study medicine, become the doctor I always wanted to, and be a writer? I’m doing it right now, aren’t I? And I fully intend to keep doing it.
It’s like I always like to say; if something feels right, the chances that it probably is. But if you have even the slightest inkling of a doubt or bad thought about it, it’s probably wrong. And I can honestly tell you that this is oh so very right.
So in the iconic words of Bon Jovi’s Have a nice day, “If there’s one thing I hang on to, that gets me through the night, I ain’t gonna do what I don’t want to. I’m gonna live my life; shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice, standing on a ledge and showin’ the wind how to fly. So when the world gets in my face, I say ‘have a nice day’.”

26 July 2013

"Raindrops keep fallin' on ma head"

Winter in the Mother City. It rains a lot.
It was on one such cold and wet morning that I was staring out the window. Freezing cold, hugging myself to keep warm [although the A/C was turned up], I shifted my focus. From what was outside the window, to the window itself. And found myself becoming rather philosophical.
I watched in silent awe as the droplets fell against the glass. You never really take note of it, but then one day you wake up and notice the little things. I found myself likening the water droplets to people. Or rather, to the way life works.
Following one droplet on its path, I observed the following:
It hit the glass window near the top. It then slowly started on its downward journey. It was tough at first, having to go it alone, but then it would flow into the path left by another. And things would go much faster. Not much longer and the droplet deviated from the adoptive path, and proceeded with cutting its own once again. Now and then, it crashed into another droplet. Sometimes, this would speed Drop up, other times, the two would part ways just as quickly as they’d found each other. Eventually, though, little Drop made it all the way to the bottom of the window. And I could clearly discern the trail he’d left behind…
Now try relating that the humans:
We are born. Slowly, but surely, we stumble through life. The beginning is rough, and I’ll bet we feel like we’re going it alone; that no one else understands. And then we discover someone, a role model, and we try to be like them, and things are suddenly much easier. But we continue to progress and we find ourselves outgrowing said role model. Then we begin meeting new people. Some of them have a huge impact, and really help us in ways we can’t even express, while others are only around temporarily and play a less significant role than we’d imagined they would. Eventually, we make it to death’s door. And we need to live in such a way that we leave a trail blazing after us, that people miss us when we’re gone.
There are only two certainties in life: uncertainty and death. So live today, and live well. We can’t get by without the people in our lives- treat them with goodness and justness. Always. Because “it is in the shelter of others that we live”. Be good to those around you, especially to those who were good to you.

20 July 2013

Saturday 27 July 2013

The Happy Dance

That holiday felt helluva long. I know, I know; next year this time I’ll be begging for a holiday… It was about two weeks in that our results were finally published. And let me tell you, if I wasn’t being kept so busy with my cousin’s wedding and all, the wait would have been excruciating.
See, you rock up at Uni, particularly at med school, with one thing on your mind. I gotta maintain my kick-ass rep. Academically speaking, of course. And then they deliver the bad news. You’ll never be that student again. *cue dramatic music*
See, your 80-90 % at high school level translates to about a 60% at medical school. You start thinking that, well, it’s not so hard- they’re just over-exaggerating.
*Walks out of exam room. Wants to die.* They weren’t kidding. I’m going to fail.
You realize that it’s actually super hard to get good marks if you’re still buried in your high school mindset of studying 24 hours before the time. So when the results are finally released, and you somehow wangled a pass, you end up doing what I like to call the happy dance. Because you’re just so relieved that you made it.
So we were left to enjoy our exceptionally long holiday in relative peace.
And then second semester rolled around. Pathology, pharmacology and an introduction to clinical medicine. I feel like a proper medical student now, not having to so many unnecessary, un-doctorish things. [Yes, I just maked that word up.J] I’m nearly a week in and I’m struggling to get stuck into Path. It’s bad, I know. I’m supposed to study every day, but I keep finding other things to do with my time. Like writing this blog. [Lol!J] I should actually be studying viro right now…
But it’s late. And my bed and I are really good friends. He’s going to miss me if I don’t get going soon… J
So peace out, keep on keeping on, and do that happy dance!

17 July 2013

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Ramadaan 1434

At first I thought it was just me, that I was the problem. But then… well, things changed.
This year is different. And I’m not entirely sure how to describe it. In the days leading up to Ramadaan, I didn’t feel… the vibe wasn’t there. I don’t know how many of you who will read this will understand, but those of you who do will know what I mean. That pre-Ramadaan vibe, that spirit… I just wasn’t feeling it.
All along, I thought it was just me. I reckoned I was the only one who felt this way. But, like I said, I wasn’t. Without knowing what I was thinking, my cousin mentioned in to his mother. She laughed and told him he’s like an old man. Then there’s me, not able to get over how right he was in saying what he did.
The first taraweegh salaah came and went, yet it still did not feel like Ramadaan. That’s when I realized that something must definitely be wrong; that although we both felt the same way, there was something else at play here.
So I got to thinking, the way I usually do [my mind can’t sit still, if that makes any sense at all…], and I think I might have figured out what was missing. The people.
After 5 weeks on holiday, classes have started up again… and it’s finally starting to feel like Ramadaan. J
But all that’s just semantics isn’t it? It’s just me being finicky…
Thing is, fasting has health benefits. By abstaining from food, we allow our bodies the opportunity to regenerate. Everything will start working better. But that only holds true if you don’t stuff your face with junk every night; everything in moderation, as they say. Yeah, so lay off the many samoosas and daaltjies, ‘kay? J
The true nitty-gritty of Ramadaan is about perfecting oneself. And no, we’ll never get there. Once again, it all comes down to trying your best, to be the best. It’s not concerned so much with the superficial trappings of this world, but rather with one’s soul. It’s about the beautifying and cleansing of the soul in a way that can only be achieved through the abstinence from all our vices AND by proper and sincere repentance for our sins. [For we have many, myself included.] And in doing so, we strive to strengthen our relationship with Allah, subhana wa ta’ala.
So I’ll end by asking,
“How is your heart with Allah today?” – Sheikh Ninoway

15 July 2013