Thursday 12 September 2013


Some people just bring out the worst in you.
It’s true.
And when you already struggle with your temper, as I do [once again, a shameful admission], it’s really, definitely, one hundred percent a bad idea to be around them.
See them, hear them, be anywhere near them… You’re only doing yourself an injustice. You become the person you dislike, become what you’ve tried so damned hard not to be. And that’s really not fair. To yourself.
Yes, absolutely, self-sacrifice is widely accepted as an honorable act. But there comes a time when all the sacrifice in the world will mean nothing if you can’t even do right by yourself- sometimes you just need to be selfish.
I’ll never forget doing that day in English class, more than 2 years ago, when we were analyzing the poem or another. “So, off the top of your head, what is the poet trying to say?” Mrs. Parker asks. I couldn’t keep the disgust from my voice when I yelled out, “People suck.” I then sat back in my desk and cocked my head to the side, nonverbally daring anyone to oppose me. Silence reigned briefly, before Mrs. Parker stuck her finger out at me and emphatically declared, “Exactly! People suck.” I shrugged. She was only confirmed what I’d already known for years.
Don’t get me wrong; this is by no means a jab at any one person in particular. It’s just that sometimes you come across people who remind you of that fact. And they’re the ones who truly do bring out the worst in you.
In the epic words of Dean Winchester, “Humans, dude. Humans.”

25 August 2013

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