Thursday 19 September 2013

Momma dearest

As if it wasn’t bad enough having one Leo [Speedy] and one Virgo [Daddy-oh] in the house, Momma’s birthday is two weeks after Dad’s. Seriously. That means we’ve got a sum total of 2 Virgos living together- TWO!
Classically, Virgos are rather stubborn, head-strong people, and for two of them to be in a relationship together is… shall we say, risky? I mean, you’re bound to butt heads. Often. But somehow they make it work. I’ve always thought that they’re a pretty good example for me to follow; you know, of what relationships should be like. They get along so well. But I digress.
Happy birthday, Momma. You’re seriously awesome. I mean, no one else would have let me cut up a kidney and a liver in their kitchen. =D

10 September 2013

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