Sunday 4 August 2013

The Adrenal Response

Stephen Amell as Declan Connors
My edit =)
Adrenalin; the fight-or-flight hormone.
It can be very useful, or, well, it is very useful during times of emergency or fear. It even kicks in when you’re stressed.
Clinically; your heart rate becomes elevated, your breathing quickens, and your body metabolizes whatever carbohydrates you have. And all that to get enough oxygen and energy to your skeletal muscles. The effects last for about an hour after initial secretion from your adrenal glands.
What I fail to understand though, is why one's body chooses to release adrenalin when in the presence of a particular person or people. Yeah, people may illicit such a response from one. I would know; it happened to me just yesterday.
I have to say a very special thank you to Moham(m)ed Essop/Bray, for literally introducing me to the man of my imagination. =)
I say imagination and not dreams for a very particular reason. Truly, I imagined him, I created him, he's mine. My Declan Connors, the protagonist in my novel, Erased.
Had it not been for Moham(m)ed, I probably never would have worked up the balls to talk to him.
The first time I laid eyes on Ben was quite something else. My heart stopped beating, and then went racing a mile a minute. Yeah, the damn thing just does what it bloody well pleases. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. All coherent thought flew out the window.
You're not supposed to be alive. You shouldn’t be breathing, or have a heart pumping warm blood through your body. You're not supposed to exist. You're not supposed to exist anywhere outside my mind! But Declan Connors walked straight out of my head and into that lecture hall.
So when we were finally introduced, and I finally had the opportunity to tell him, that damned adrenal response kicked in. And because we did nothing but talk [I swear], the adrenalin had to go somewhere, do something. Hence, my hands were shaking something fierce as we spoke. And, as I mentioned before, I felt the effects for over an hour after that.
I told him. I told him about Declan, about how he looks just like him, about how he is just like him. Honestly, his response to that blew my mind. I don’t think I'll ever forget it. With the most adorable, Declan-esque [Thank you, Nuha Lalla, for creating the word. =)] smile, he said "You wrote me into life."

3 August 2013

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