Tuesday 16 July 2013


Exactly two weeks ago to the day, my cousin signed The Contract. 16 June 2013; Youth Day, Father’s Day and the day Muhammad Badee’ married Fatimah.
I hate weddings.
Okay, so maybe hate is a strong word. It’s more like I really dislike weddings. I suppose it’s because weddings are boring and I can’t sit still for very long. I’m like a little child in that regard. Theirs was really nice though. I’m not sure if that’s because I’m finally growing up [I shudder at the thought], or if it was just because it was him… on second thoughts, maybe I was just too tired to really give a damn.
For the entire week before the wedding, we we’re at his place helping out. I don’t mind, I really don’t, but that doesn’t make you less tired. It was late nights, early mornings and lots of coffee for most of us. It was hard work, literally. It was difficult and it was labour intensive. [Oh yeah, that’s the geographer in me coming out.] And all that got me thinking…
Who, if not your family?
In all honesty, who, if not your family, would all this for you? The pay sucks [well, if food doesn’t count then it’s non-existent] and, on top of that, they have to put up with you. They have to put up with you and all your nonsense, your bad taste and your mood swings. Who else would do it and expect nothing in return? The answer, I find, is a resounding ‘No one’.
Now you’re going to tell me your close friends would do it for you. In response to that I ask, “Are they not family?” Because truly they must be. Especially if they’re willing to put up with you. J
Yeah, weddings suck. And you never really realize how much until it happens in your family. But its society’s fault isn’t it? They put so much pressure on you to conform to what they deem to be the norm. Really, it shouldn’t matter how you celebrate it. All that really counts is that you do right by the person you claim to love.
“You don’t just marry the man, you marry the entire family.” Greeeaaat… I’ve got lots to look forward to. >.<
Either way, congratulations, cousin, and I wish you the both very best. J

30 June 2013

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