Tuesday 16 July 2013

Hail, Cape Town!

The most extraordinary thing happened today. It was just incredible to see. For the first time that I can remember it almost snowed in Cape Town. Yes, almost. I know, I know; I sound like Megamind:
“He would win some; I would almost win others…” [It’s a great movie!J]
It’s true though.
The streets were covered in the most mind-blowing blanket of white. And would have been the perfect snowy day… apart from two things…
One; it was hail, not snow. Bummer!
And two; I had to study for my chemistry exam. Double bummer!
So while the entire neighbourhood ran around outside and got good and crazy-wet, I was holed up inside. I was traipsing around the house, fully clothed, with my gown on… procrastinating. I wanted to sit at the window and watch. Snow in Cape Town? Come on, that’s every climatologist’s dream. I reckon the only that could have made it better would be thunder and lightning.
After a good few minutes of idly staring at the marble-sized hail stone in my palm, I dove under the blanket, fully intent on studying. By the time nightfall came, my brain was swimming with chemical formulae and the like. And sleep was not its usual respite. Nooo, because that would be too much to ask. Instead, I ended up dreaming about the stuff too. >.< Climatologist’s dream? Not tonight, it’s not. I was in full-on chemist mode.
So in the epic words of my brother, “Hail, Cape Town! … Geddit?” J

3 June 2013

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