There’s a
peculiar sense of power that goes with donning that white coat. I’m not sure
why; we’re not anything special and we’re not saving any lives. But it’s true.
I held that heart in my hands and knew undoubtedly that I was doing the right
Okaaay, deep
thoughts aside, I quite enjoyed cardio. No, not exercise. [To quote Fat Amy:
“No, don’t put me down for cardio.”]
So here lies
a heart on the black tray before me. A near-perfect human specimen… apart from
the fact that it’s lifeless I suppose. It’s not the healthy reddish pink you’d
expect to see, but rather a deep purplish colour. Dead, preserved tissue; it
was a rather odd experience to touch it. And poke it. And stick my gloved hands
through the blood vessels. Yeah, yeah, I’m sick, I know. J
“You may NOT
take any pictures, guys. I repeat; julle mag NIE foto’s neem NIE.” Gee, thanks
for just crushing our dreams right there. This was the most exciting, properly
doctor-ish thing that has happened to us thus far- and we can’t even document
it. So kind of you…
though, was that the inner side of the outer muscle wall [confused yet? Yeah,
me too, I think] looks like a cat scratched at it. Seriously, it looked torn to
shreds. But apparently, that’s normal… Anyway, it was cool to stick my finger
through a random opening and see where it pops out- wicked awesome. That also
made it a bit easier to figure what was going on.
That’s one
of the most important things in anatomy, I’ve learnt: correct orientation. If
you don’t properly orientate yourself, you’ll confuse everything- especially
20 May 2013
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