Friday, 30 May 2014

40 winks

I recently met a few more first years, and it was quite an interesting conversation.
The new lecture halls were opened for use at the beginning of this month, and we were chatting about how amazing it all is. Because, get this, the first years got to move in there. Not the fifth years, or even us second years. No, the littlest of the lot get to use the new facilities first.
So these little first years were complaining about how the seats are just far enough apart that you can’t comfortably lean on your friend’s shoulder- without feeling like you’re about the fall through the cracks, so to speak. “You can’t lie on them because it’s too far. It’s not comfortable to sleep with your head on the desk. I can’t sleep sitting upright! It’s horrible! Pluuus…! The lecturers can see you, and it just seems rude to sleep in front of them. Also the class is really loud…”
On and on they went. Until I responded with a, “You can’t fall asleep in class? You. Will. Learn.”
And it’s true. I feel worn out all the time; chronically exhausted, as I like to call it. Sometimes things get to be a bit much, and a nap in the middle of a particularly boring lecture never hurt anyone. In fact, I wake up feeling pretty good. But then again, I do something those first years have yet to discover…
During the clinical part of our blocks, few people actually turn up for the lectures, so there are plenty of open seats. As my very good friend, Anthea Lakay, likes to say, “Laziness makes you clever.” [A sneaky sort of clever, that is.] My sneaky plan? I lie down across the empty seats, and catch a pretty decent nap. J
We don’t always have time to sleep, especially now that midyears are rolling around. So when you have a few minutes, you [and by you, I mean me] basically pass out. Did I mention you’ll sleep anywhere even remotely comfortable? Every minute of shuteye helps. It truly does.


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