Tuesday 4 March 2014

This and that

Since the end of my Resp block, many things have happened.
I suppose I should start off by mentioning my end-of-block weekend. Mine was a really chilled. Back when Resp started, we made huge plans to go out and have fun and just not be at home. But when the time came, I kept my plans simple: Play guitar, write, work out, and sleep, sleep, sleep.
Baby 2.0
Photograph taken by myself
While I spent some quality time with Baby 2.0 [I swear he really needs a new name. suggestions may or may not be appreciated- depending on how I feel at the time.], I admittedly wrote less than I’d have liked. I did, however, mange to get in tons of sleep and two solid work outs.
I also spent some time working, where I decided to bust out my Xhosa-speaking skills. Needless to say I was met with many amused and smiling faces. However, there was one woman in particular who insisted in responding in English. Yeah, I needed a moment to recover from that one. >.<

Name badge, Cardio study guide, laptop and phone.
I'm totally prepared.
Psssht, yeah right. >.<
Monday morning we were back at the grindstone once again. Cardio started last week, and let me tell you, it’s been hectic. Between dissections, lectures and more hospital visits, I’m just about worn through. As I mentioned before, going to hospital is amazing, albeit semi-depressing, but lectures are boring. Also, I’d always assumed I’d enjoy dissections, but it’s completely lost its allure. It takes a lot out of you, but it can still be fun. I recall our very first cardio dissection: Chris, Haley [yes, the same Haley from my hospital group], and Ofentse were opening up and unpacking our cadaver, the lovely Mrs Jones. [The name has been changed to protect the identity of the deceased. I’ve always wanted to say something to that effect, although, in all seriousness, we don’t know her real name.] Leendert and I were watching this, while a very unsuspecting Kathleen read the instructions for that day’s dissection. Unsuspecting, you ask. Not two minutes in and both lungs go flying at her. For no particular reason. Of course, I began laughing almost hysterically- out of pure shock. It was as if the lungs just flew at her. In hindsight, it was slightly creepy…
Doctor's coat- I feel legit.
[Yeah, that's Baby in the background.]
Study, study, study.
Fun, fun, fun. >.<
That’s basically what I’ve been up to these past few days. Well, that and studying. >.<
Jadri Conradie, with his adorable nephew.

Today is also Osler’s awesome Primarius’ birthday, so I’d like to wish Jadri Conradie [one of the awesomest- yes, I just said that- males I know] a very happy birthday. Have a great one, buddy. J
Well, folks, I’m afraid that’s all we have time for. Tune in again next week for another episode of *cue dramatic music* Thoughts of a mentally unstable medical student. J


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