Wednesday 8 October 2014

Christina Val

Things have been so hectic lately that I haven’t had much time for keeping up with my emails, social media and so on. Though, I suppose, bitching about the Uro block, shrugging off Endo and grimacing at Repro will not get me anywhere. That said, Christina, I did receive your message. And when I finally had a free moment to reply, I was saddened to learn that your account had been deactivated. Since then, I’ve had no way of contacting you… until I came up with this idea, in the hope that you may see this post.
Had I been able to reply, I would have told you how proud of you I am, though I have no right to be. I hope that you enjoy your time off, and are granted everything you wish for. As we may not speak again, I want to wish you the very best of luck going forward, and to tell you that I believe you will excel in whatever it is you decide to do next. Know that I have faith in you, I support you, and I am rooting for you all the way. J
I suppose this will be a farewell then. Voorspoed, liewe maat. J
May you always “Live well and prosper.”
                                                                -MustangChick03 J <3


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