Some notable characteristics of the Romantic Era include extremely personalized works (in all arts), alterations and expansions of existing forms in order to meet the needs of the artist and thus making the works more expressive, increased nationalistic and patriotic feelings and thus expression thereof, and the integration of all of the art-forms.
Tchaikovsky was commissioned to compose his 1812 Overture to form part of the Moscow Art and Industry Exhibition of 1882. So, why the number 1812, or what happened in that year? 1812 is the year that Napoleon invaded Russia. The most most notable confrontation is the Battle of Borodino. This is possibly the worst decision that Napoleon ever made. He marched his army of roughly 50000 men into Russia to invade and conquer the country and its colonies. This happened in the Russian winter. When they eventually reached Moscow, the army was greatly fatigued, and this was only to find the Russian capital burnt down and deserted. They had no choice but to retreat. As they were nearing the border of Russia, they were ambushed by the Russian army. By the end of the battle, the French were left with 5000 soldiers.
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture is a musical representation of the battle explained above, albeit quite crudely.It is in the key of E-flat major, and and is numbered opus 49. The most notable aspect of this piece is the use of cannons as a 'musical instrument.' Parts of this work are very famous and are often used in the advertising and film industries. The music expresses the triumph and might of Russia in the perspective of Tchaikovsky, a proud Russian. The music is very nationalistic, making use of some Russian folk music and God Save The Tsar, the Russian national anthem of the time.
I really like the 1812 Overture. Tchaikovsky is one of my favorite composers, and I am beginning to realize that romantic music may be my favorite. Even an inexperienced music listener can feel the emotion in the music. At the moment, I am more interested in the more exciting instrumental music, so this may be a contributing factor to why I like this piece so much.