Sunday 28 June 2015

Well, hello there.😏

My, my. It really has been a while, this time. What was it, like 8, maybe 10 months? I don't even know.🙈
And it hasn't been for lack of content either. There have been plenty of exciting occurances in my life this past year, but the arduous nature of my course didn't allow much time for sleeping. Let alone blogging. 😣

I suppose a photographic roundup of my year will be best. Here ya go:
I met these lovely people. First, in the bottom photograph, on a hike up Skeleton Gorge. The second is a hike up to the Simon's Town waterfall, and the top, paintballing with a bunch of eandoms and The Group.♥

The Skeleton Gorge hike, back when we called ourselves the DD Unit. For what reason, I couldn't tell you.

Woodies Burgers! 😋♥

Vida Coffee and Muffins with the FAM. They're going to hate me for uploading this.🙈

We hit Hout
Bay with my dad's "brother" and his kids, while they were in town from JHB. These kids are like the little sisters (and little brothers, in the other car) I never had.♥

Late night milkshakes and a stroll along the beach. Would that it were summer once more. *sigh*

And that's not even the medical stuff. There'll be more to come, I assure you.
Peace, y'all.♥