Apart from that being the blog of a friend of mine [Read
Nicole Spence’s blogs at www.thegirlinthewhitecoat.blogspot.com ],
it serves as a description of my day.
Today was… pretty incredible. It was the first time I
donned my white doctor’s coat and went to hospital. Although we didn’t do
anything, it was quite the experience. As I’ve said before, the coat gives one
a somewhat perverse sense of power. And, I won’t lie, some people look at your
with something close to admiration- not that we’ve done anything in our short
lives to deserve it.
We spent an hour with our registrar, Dr Elmo Pretorius,
who took us through the general examination. There exists a wealth of knowledge
in those who have gone before us, and this was particularly evident today. It
seems as though we’ve only been at it for a short time, but to be able to walk
into a hospital ward and understand at least part of the medical jargon makes
one realize just how much we have
The MBChB 2018 class was split up into groups of 8
members each, for these hospital sessions. Apart from myself, my group consists
of: Stian “Sports and TV are what I like” Nieuwoudt, El-Marie “Animal Lover”
Gallant, Firdows “they call me Death Star” Gamieldien, Duval “Oh yeah. I can
sing” Geddie, Jacques “I’m a sea person” Geldenhuys, Lee “I only wear Addidas
shoes” Murdock, and Haley “I smuggled a hamster into my res room for an entire
year” October. That’s how they introduced themselves- I am so serious right
now. Well, they didn’t put their one-interesting-thing-about-me fact in between
their names and surnames, but I’m sure you get the gist.
Introductions aside, I’m quite happy with my group-
peculiar lot that we are. I’m just excited to go back to the hospital and
actually do stuff.
P.S. Our patient was a confounding case, and neither Doc
Pretorius nor the consultants know what is wrong with her. Yet. But I’ll be
sure to keep you guys posted. Well, it is getting late, I’m beat, and I really
should be studying for my end-of-block next Friday.
Ciao ciao. And remember to keep monitoring that pulse!
12 February 2014